Trend List

Documenting visual trends in graphic design since 2011.

Jozef Ondrik

From Slovakia

Jozef Ondrik was born in 1988 in the city of Ruzomberok in Slovakia where he studied a School of Applied Arts. After that he begun studies at Tomas Bata University in Zlin (Czech Republic). He attends a department of Graphic Design and Typography.

He is continuously looking for a new possibilities, overlaps and functions in Design and Typography. It is a music, architecture, street art, travelling and his surroundings which infuences his creativity. Nowadays he is working as a freelancer and studying on Gerrit Rietveld Academie in Amsterdam.

He runs small workshops and discussions on the theme of graphic design and typography in Slovakia and he also stands behind a Barshocicohokolvek exhibition and its concept. Concept and thought are essential in his creation. He creates new fonts not just from scratch but also by redesigning the old ones. His type „Paper font“ was selected among the 45 Creative Examples of Typography in the Wild in 2010. Jozef‘s latest representation of Slovakia was at 3rd Biennial of poster in Bolivia 2009.

Center Aligned

Table of Contents

Underlined + Hyphens

Neon Colors

Center Aligned

Table of Contents

Letterspace + Underlined